
Hi! My name’s Darren and I created this blog to offer help, advice, guidance, fun stuff and some real and personal experiences of living with debt, and the battle to get out of the red!

It’s not all about debt destruction though, we also like to keep our eyes open for investment opportunities, as well as advocating general thrifty behaviour. I’m not an expert, or a qualified financial adviser, but what we are is normal, and committed to becoming better people. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s never too late to turn your finances around; things can always get better. Hopefully we can all learn something along the way.

So if you’ve got some views, ideas, tips, or general observations, don’t keep them to yourself. We’re all friends here, so just jump in.

Who am I?

My blog was initially inspired by a conversation between me and my wife, unfortunately we both have previously been frighteningly inept at managing their money.

I’m 36, married, have a little one on the way and work as a project manager at a significant London based firm.

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